NaPoWriMo, Day 2

Photo by Terry Richmond via Unsplash

Today’s prompt offers as a resource Robert Frost’s famous poem “The Road Not Taken” and challenges us “to write a poem about your own road not taken – about a choice of yours that has “made all the difference,” and what might have happened had you made a different choice.” (Full prompt available here.)

PS–As in past years, most of the poems written this April will remain online for a couple of days, after which they will be replaced by an excerpt, an erasure, or a thoroughly amateurish art piece that will only allow for bits of the original poem to peek through. At least, this is the plan. The reason being that, at some point, in the hopefully not too distant future, these drafts will undergo revision and begin their multiple-year pilgrimage through the slush piles of many a literary journal. So help me, O Muse. (OK, I totally plagiarized my own post scriptum from last year. Why amend something if it’s not broken?)

PPS–The posted poem has expired, but that doesn’t mean you have to spend your time here all alone. Here are two curious pigs to keep you company (and a line from my poem as caption). Don’t see the pigs? No problem–come back tomorrow. There are plenty more invisible creatures where the pigs came from.

Childhood stayed behind like a barn
chock-full of things I wanted to forget.

38 thoughts on “NaPoWriMo, Day 2

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  1. [quote deleted by RI]

    Extraordinary poem, surioara, written with such courage and wisdom! Cu tine in gand si inima, pana la capat ❤️🐝

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mulțumesc mult, mult de tot, soră dragă! More fear than courage and wisdom, but I like how you see me.🥰🙏 Și eu la fel cu tine, în inimă și-n gând.💜


  2. Hi Romana – I loved the whole thing! Especially the irony of the fish [quote deleted by RI] – and the barn of memories. Congrats on the feature too! Woot woot! Saffron

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Day Three

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